Monday, September 21, 2009

the melty crayons

I'm drippy. In every way you can think of. I've been a bit of a whiny melting mess. This big strong block of a Bohunk is softening, sliding down myself and pooling at my own base. I've become a slipping muck fo me to step through. And then the loveliest thing happened to me today.
I learned that melty can be pretty damn cool.

Maybe all this melting madness, this mud-luscious glory is it's own season.

Maybe a change of my state of matter is what it's going to take to make a statement about how I need to change what matters?

Or maybe the ridiculousness of my foot stamping, sleepy eyed, droop---

Maybe this nightmare pliability---

Is just where I need to be?

Or maybe it's a someplace better

p.s. these accidental glorious little goodies were purchased at the dollar store, and the pictures were taken with my phone . :) and it was just the project i needed. I suddenly feel so much less droopy.

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