Wednesday, December 1, 2010

ways to put off your philosophy paper

1) think about how miserable it is to write philosophy.

2) decide you really haven't been working out enough, and end up at the gym!

3) accept a last minute invitation to the world's cheapest, most delighful sushi

4) decide on the way home from sushi, that you need to stop eating out, and stop at the store for veggies, nuts, berries, bananas.

5) realize upon arriving home, that you NEED broccoli, in the way Nicholas Cage needs to stay away from dramatic acting roles.

6) find four different spices to put on your broccoli, to assess the best way in which to flavor your fiber.

7)remember you forgot to blog, and MUST blog, lest the blog gustapo come cut off your toes in your sleep. (which by the way you won't be getting any of tonight, because you have this very important to do list to complete)

8) check your email, check your other email, check for facebook, spend an inordinate amount of time gawking at the ludicrously overpersonal posts of friends from middle school.

9) remember that your computer chair is actually a giant bouncy ball.

10) wholeheartedly embrace the chaos which is brought on by previous realization.

11) take picture of exactly how miserable it is to procrastinate a blog.

12) spend only an instant realizing you aren't entirely sure what aforementioned essay is to be about.

13) realize you can't POSSIBLY start a paper at 11:42, you must wait for a whole time (like twelve, which means i have 18 more minutes to procrastinate, before i have to find another good reason to procrastinate)

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